Friday, June 28, 2013

Finding Balance

Joe and I have been working really hard to try and live a balanced life. It is so easy in this world we live in to get sucked into tv, our phones, facebook, eating out, or even not using our close proximity to the Basilica to attend Mass in the morning. There are so many things that we always talk about doing and sometimes those things never come to be because we let laziness or media or even our sometimes sleep deprived bodies tell us we are too tired to just not ready to get up and live how we know we should be.

For the last few months we have worked hard to find this balance--in everything from our budget, exercise, cooking and time we spend apart. Our job absolutely allows us so many incredible benefits outside of just living in this amazing city. We have the mornings and early afternoons to be productive, to use daylight hours to go on walks and to even recycle our cans at the local grocery store. Seriously, once we started to notice all of the ways we could work to balance our lives there was a flood of new activities and structure.

We are not always successful at this balance either. For example, the last two weeks we have been a little on the crazy side. We had to have work done in our apartment which meant our schedule was thrown off completely. We didn't have use of our kitchen or our normal times for naps, or exercise or dinner. Let me just say it has been SO HARD. It is really amazing how easy it is to get used to a schedule especially one that feels so good to live with.

Next week we will be in West Virginia for a vacation/Spargo family reunion. It will be nice to be with family and have time away, but I sure do look forward to our return to normalcy and to our balance life!

What are ways that you have found to be helpful in your search for balance? I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

As always,

Love, Sam

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Connecticut Birthday Weekend

this year for my birthday Joe, Ceci and I visited my cousin and his girlfriend in Connecticut for a short getaway. they live right on the ocean and we had a marvelous time listening to the waves crashing and enjoying the salty breeze. here are a few pictures to enjoy!

beautiful panoramic shot taken with Joe's phone

i thought this quilt was so cute. I would love one for Ceci!

this house was built in the 1890s. it was truly incredible.

this baby did not mind the grass at all

not so sure about this ocean business

Monday, June 3, 2013

I Am Wrong

beautiful thought
3 little words that have such power...maybe in some ways as much power as those other 3 little words. I. Am. Wrong! Wow, those are definitely not my favorite words to say but oh how important that they be said when necessary.

Joe and I were having a "discussion" on the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after a work out. (silly I know) I just knew that it was a load of crud that chocolate milk was good for the recovering body. As we were "discussing," in the back of my head I thought, "maybe I should just drop it....I really don't want to be wrong" but I guess my inner desire to be right won out and the "discussion" turned to a fact checking session.

SURE ENOUGH. HE WAS RIGHT.  All of the facts checked led to one conclusion....I had to muster the courage and humility to say those dreaded 3 little words. I was dead wrong. Man did that stink, but immediately those words led to this thought....

In marriage we are called to lift one another up, to concede at times and to positively challenge each other. There was really no reason for me to egg Joe on. I don't know why I wanted to be right so badly, but I am sure glad I was wrong now because of what I learned. Joe is my husband, my partner and my strongest supporter. I need to always remember that I am those things for him as well. Sometimes I need to put my ego aside and say " yes love, you are right" and leave it there- regardless of how much I am screaming the opposite on the inside.

Most importantly, though the thought I found most rewarding was in saying, out loud, that I was wrong. Those words immediately made me flash back to our marriage prep about being able to express when I am wrong and how to be gracious when I am right-which for me means that I am called to love and to show that love even amidst the most silly "discussion."

Marriage is such a beautiful gift and requires so much grace. I am forever thankful that my husband-through his grace- allows me to opportunities to express when I am wrong without him gloating about his "win."

When I said those words that day, that I was wrong about the silly chocolate milk, I hope that Joe knew that what I was saying is "I love you, I am wrong and it is good that you are right."