Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Joseph and I have really been enjoying a series that Tom Hanks Produced for HBO called "From the Earth to the Moon."

We have little moon dates where we make popcorn or eat dessert and watch one episode at a time...and let me tell you it is FANTASTIC!!! I always look forward to each new episode..45 minutes just goes too quickly!

It is not a documentary-rather a mini-series that explores the wonders of space travel from the building of the lunar module to the landing on the moon. I have learned so much about NASA and space travel...topics that I never imagined I would be so intrigued by. (we are now even reading John Glenn's memoir's-but i'll post on this at a later date)

Anyhoo-I HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone-especially if you are interested in space travel or want a change of pace from typical programming these days!

Happy Summer!


1 comment:

  1. Andrew and I just started this series. Thanks for the suggestion
