Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Being A Wife


Over the last 12 months I have become a wife and a mother. Sometimes I simply cannot believe that this is my life....and I would not change a single part of it for anything.

Let me just gush for a second about why being Joe's wife is incredible.
1. He makes me laugh...and lets me cry...when I need to.
2. He is a fantastic cook! ( He made chili last weekend and it was so good our neighbors son came over and said asked for more...he is 6)
3. He cares for our daughter in a way that I cannot just have to see it.
4. He fills my purple straw cup even when I do not ask.
5. He brings me closer to Christ and is focused on leading me to Heaven.
6. He helps me to be calm and he always has my back.
7. He is full of adventure (we moved to NY when I was 7 months pregnant for pete's about an adventure!)
8. He is sweet and charming and handsome and loving and kind..and I could keep going but I think you get the point.

Joseph Spargo makes being a wife an easy vocation. He is truly an amazing man; the best friend I could have and the best father in the world.

Okay...end gush!

Why I LOVE being a wife.
1. I get to organize Joe's laundry so that it is easy for him to find.
2. I get to encourage Joe to pray evening prayer with me.
3. I get to help Joe get to heaven too...its not a one way street people!
4. Being a wife means the chance to be a mom...and that...well I will save all of that for another post.
5. I get to buy peanut butter and chocolate goodies because I want my husband to have something that lets him know that I care.
6. I have someone to wink at during work.
7. I get to care about another person's well being without being a stalker.
8. I have someone to argue with who always is level headed when I might be a tad erratic!

What I am trying to get at is being married is incredible This last year has been so exciting and I can say I have grown closer to God, closer to Joe and have learned so much about myself. I can't believe that one year ago today we were days away from saying our vows, days away from the start of our life together.

God has such a perfect plan for our lives and I feel blessed beyond belief to get to spend my life with Joe.

Happy Anniversary Joe, I love you!


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