Monday, March 25, 2013

The Must Know's of Motherhood

I did a lot of reading blogs and some books before the arrival of Ceci.
 I looked for those lists of things that people say they were 
never told, I wanted to know the cold dirty truth of what 
motherhood is really like. And let me tell you, some of 
those lists were pretty intense..but because I read them 
(therefore being "told' things I could expect) I couldn't use crazy things like 
birth stuff or hormone stories in my own list of
"Things I was never told about having a baby" but that's okay....
I have my own list of what I like to call

The Must Know's of Motherhood!
1. You will get spit up on, pooped on, and peed on...a lot.
2. Getting anywhere means you have to get yourself ready... then sit down and nurse a baby, change a diaper, load all of the necessities into the diaper bag, buckle a car seat, put the stroller in the car and hope you didn't forget anything. Aka...start leaving for anywhere at least an hour before you normally would.
3. You will get strong arms.
4. It will be hard to lose weight. I know that you might have some of those people in your lives who bounce back right away but that is not my life and I seriously think they are somehow cheating fate.
5. Having baby will make you think and feel things you never thought were possible. For example, when Joe takes a little bit longer than anticipated in a store or out running errands I start to think there was a terrible accident and that he has died and then I literally plan the next steps and what I will do with Ceci Morbid..yes..crazy..some might think so..but seriously these are the thoughts that go through my head.
6. Sleep becomes a commodity that you will literally dream about and trade much for.
7. Taking an extra long shower becomes the new "spa day"
8. You will have to fight the urge to gush about your baby...all day every day.
9.You will nurse your baby in very unusual places..for me this has been our work car as we have to pull over very frequently on our way places because our commute can be quite long. 
10. You may want to have another baby right away one second, and then the next you can't even believe you have a baby in the first place.
11. You will spend a significant amount of time researching baby products, reading mommy blogs, and google-ing every random and strange occurrence that happens with your baby throughout the day. (Maybe another pose I will elaborate on all of the awesome resources I have found on-line to ease all of my worries)
12. You will learn how to communicate with your husband in a totally new way. And almost miraculously he will fall more in love with you each day, even with those super strong arms, extra baby weight and all of the spit up in your hair.
13. You will call your own mother, grandmother, aunt or friends a lot with questions.
14. You will be terrified your baby is almost every day.
15.  You will strive and strive to be the best momma you can be..and sometimes it is exhausting..other exhilarating, but mostly you will feel like the best momma you can be when you see your sweet baby's smile or hear a gentle coo.

There is a reason why it takes 9 months to grow a baby and even more of a reason why motherhood lasts a life time! I truly love being a momma and can't wait until my list continues to grow and grow.


  1. Never stop with number 5. Maybe give up on the morbid nightmarish fantasies, but always plan for contingencies. That way, if anything unplanned does happen, you won't be stuck grasping for the next step.

  2. Very touching! Can't wait to meet that lil angel.

  3. You are such a great momma! I cannot wait to meet that lucky little girl!

  4. No one would ever think that all of these things are going through you rmind when they look at you, you make it all seem so easy! You are a natural. watching CeCi's face light up when she looks at you is all the proof you will ever need.

    1. Thanks mom! That is so sweet! I think I have a pretty amazing example in you to be the best kind of momma out there!
